Paul Merriman was the founder of a successful fee-only investment advisory firm in Seattle area. After he sold his firm, he now educates the public on financial literacy through his website, podcast, YouTube channel, and books. He donates all the profits from his retirement projects to educational non-profit organizations.
In a recent article he wrote for MarketWatch, 10 mistakes nearly everyone makes when saving for retirement, Paul Merriman mentioned my Advice-Only search and screening service.
If you don’t have a financial adviser, I suggest you find a professional to review your plan and spot any crucial pieces you may be overlooking or misjudging. If your money is invested with a major firm like Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab, or T. Rowe Price, you can probably get a free (or low-cost) consultation and review.
You’ll get more if you hire a professional by the hour, preferably one who has nothing to sell and no conflict of interest. If you need help finding such a person, here’s a good conflict-free resource: Harry Sit. For $200, he’ll find you an adviser whose profile checks off the most important boxes, and I think Harry’s service is well worth the cost. (I have no affiliation with him or his service.)
I had the privilege of speaking to Paul Merriman earlier this year. Although he didn’t do Advice-Only when he was in the investment advisory business, he recommends the Advice-Only approach now.