Advice-Only Directory lists financial advisors who give advice but don’t manage investments.
We’re independent. We don’t accept any money from the advisors. Over 400 people all over the U.S. used us to find this type of advisors.
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Why Advice-Only?
The advice is the most valuable part. Managing money becomes administrative once you know what to do.
How Much Does Advice-Only Cost?
It depends on what you need but it usually costs much less than paying commissions or having your money managed.
Money-Back Guarantee
If you can’t find someone you like in the Advice-Only Directory, we’ll refund 100% of your membership fee, no questions asked.
For Advisors
If you are an advisor in the U.S., and you operate under the Advice-Only model, please raise your hand. We’re paid by the clients. We don’t charge or accept any money from advisors.
Success Stories
People shared their experiences in working with an Advice-Only advisor.
Chris: Retired Couple Checked For Blind Spots
Recently retired couple worked with an Advice-Only advisor to check whether they may have missed anything.
Sarah: Directions For Catching Up
Client Sarah shared her experience in working with an Advice-Only advisor on catching up on her retirement savings.
Dave: Recent Retirees Cut Advisor Fees by $12,000/year
A recently retired couple did a one-time consultation with an Advice-Only advisor and saved $12k/year in advisor fees.